Massillon Republicans have a contested Republican primary for mayor for the first time since... for the first time since... Well, for the first time in a long, LONG time.
And this is a good thing.
The reason Massillon's Mayor for Life has run roughshod over city government for so long is that there has been absolutely no opposition from the Republican party. This is the first time a Republican has thrown their hat into the political ring to run for mayor in 12 years.
Republicans have one council member out of nine. Just one.
Eight Democrats. One Republican.
The mayor is a Democrat.
The auditor is a Democrat
The treasurer is a Democrat
The law director is a Democrat
As Dr. Phil would say, "How's that workin' out for ya'?"
Massillon Republicans must re-build their party.
They must make city politics more than an intra-mural scrimmage for the Democrats.
There are two Republican candidates for mayor.
Lee Brunckhart. A working class Republican who drives bus for SARTA. Has a good grasp of the issues. Cares about the community. Talks about jobs, renewable energy, and further expansion of the health care system.
Andrew Oser. Has a degree in Business Administration. Property manager. Also has a good grasp of the issues. Cares about the community. Talks about financial responsibility, dealing with the city's debt, and cutting costs.
Both candidates should play a role in the rebirth of the City's Republican Party.
We endorse both Lee Brunckhart and Andrew Oser in the Republican primary for mayor.
Republicans need to support the winner. Even if your candidate doesn't win on Tuesday, the Republican party needs to come together and be a viable alternative.
Otherwise you end up with the same person running the show for a quarter century.