Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The People Can See for Themselves

The Massillon Review has received a number of comments regarding the deplorable condition of the parks. This letter sums them up perfectly.

Yesterday, I had the occasion to drive past Nave Road and look at the fine manicured golf course. I then drove past a number of parks. I went to the Bottoms and recalled how my son would play baseball there. He won't today. I took a stroll along Campbell path at the Reservoir Park (My sister in law used to go for walks there). She doesn't now. Not only are the parks falling into a state of neglect but the conditions of some of the equipment is such that it possesses a clear and present danger to the children who use it. What can we do?

The citizens of this community are not stupid. Nor are they blind. The Massillon Parks are in a state of deterioration. People see it. Kenn Kaminski can spin stories about park vandals, but the truth is that basic maintenance and upkeep have been abandoned in favor of subsidizing a debt ridden golf course.

What can we do?