Thursday, June 3, 2010

Opening up the Mailbag

Time to answer some reader mail-

In response to the query regarding Republican Councilman Donnie Peters' contributions to the campaign of Massillon's Mayor for Life, yes, we are aware that this wasn't Donnie Peters' first contribution, and yes, we are aware that he is an annual donor. Donnie Peters is a loyal and faithful contributor to Mayor Cicchinelli.

In response to another Donnie Peters question, yes, we did find it interesting that Donnie Peters gave our Mayor for Life the one vote he needed to pass his unbalanced budget, and that the city paving schedule was immediately changed, and Tremont was given priority to be paved, something Peters has long wanted. We are confident that this is merely a coincidence.

Another reader wanted The Massillon Review to be aware that weeds are overtaking the mulch laid at Genshaft Field. It was laid in preparation for Kenn Kaminski's Vandals Tour. See, the Parks Department spruced up a little for the tour Kenn Kaminski provided for several members of city council to show them what magnificent parks we have. The tour is over, the council members are gone, and neglect is once again the order of the day.

Our favorite question - "Can you be anti-Cicchinelli and anti-administration without being anti-Massillon?"

The answer of course is yes. It is unfortunate, but Massillon's Mayor for Life and his lackeys have slipped into the bad habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with a particular policy or decision of our Mayor and his rubber stamps as "anti-Cicchinelli." If you believe something to be a bad idea, you have an "agenda."

"Do you know what is going on the Golf Course Restaurant?"

No, we do not, but neither does the City, so we don't feel so bad. They have no business plan, and the last thing The Massillon Review has heard is that the individual we taxpayers purchased the restaurant from is being paid additional money to run it. What a deal.