Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Big Announcement

Massillon's Mayor for Life, Frank Cicchinelli, will be making his announcement this Friday regarding his intentions to run for a 7th four year term as mayor. There has been speculation that Cicchinelli is ending his run in Massillon government, where he is currently serving his 37th consecutive year in office, as a councilman and mayor. He cancelled his annual golf outing fund raiser set for August, which began the rumors that he was leaving after the end of his current term. On the other hand, Cicchinelli has scheduled 6 ninety minute town hall meetings throughout the city, one in each ward. Cicchinelli is also in fighting trim, having lost weight and gotten into shape, preparing for what many believe to be the next election.

The Massillon Review has exclusive video of Mayor Frank Cicchinelli in training over the winter. Kathy Catazaro-Perry better watch out.


We don't believe he has any intention of leaving. Cicchinelli sees the mayor's office as his birthright, his personal fiefdom. It would kill him to see someone else running "his" city. He dominates the city council, filling it with his "rubber stamps," people who would vote and pass the most odious of legislation, merely because the mayor tells them too. He runs the show. He does what he wants.

A Massillon Review reader, deep within the mayor's inner circle, who believes it is time for Cicchinelli to retire and move aside, has told us to tell our readers that our Mayor for Life is not going anywhere. We will see on Friday.