Friday, December 10, 2010

Stop Helping

One of our faithful readers wants to know why we didn't mention that Larry Slagle voted in favor of renaming Shriver Park in honor of the late T. Roy Roberson, a former Ward Four Councilman.

Because Larry Slagle's support was a day late, and a dollar short.

During the August 16th council meeting this year, Councilman Townsend appeared to have support for the park name change.

Donnie Peters was for it in August. This was before he was against it in December.

Paul Manson was for it as well;

"Councilmen Paul Manson and Larry Slagle said they had no opposition to the merits of the proposal, but objected to how Townsend wanted to move it forward" (The Independent, August 18, 2010).

That was before Paul Manson was against it on Monday.

So back in August we can assume that Paul Manson and Donnie Peters would have voted 'Yes' had the vote been allowed to take place. Add them to Catazaro-Perry, Townsend himself, Anderson, and Slagle, and the name change passes with at least six votes.

But the vote wasn't allowed to take place back in August. The Mayor's Loyal Enforcer, Council President Glenn Gamber led the manipulation of council procedures to prevent a vote.

And he had help.

Enter Larry Slagle.

Slagle claimed he was for honoring T. Roy Roberson by naming the park after him, but he was opposed to it at the August 16th meeting for procedural reasons.

So the vote was delayed.

And then Larry Slagle went on a quest. A quest to create policy to guide council on the weighty matter of park renaming;

"He (Slagle) will use the Massillon Parks and Recreation Board's current policy as a rubric for establishing guidelines for council." (The Independent, October 12, 2010).

Now we have guidelines. Council couldn't vote yes, or no, back in August. They needed Larry Slagle to develop policy and guidelines.

And with Larry Slagle's policy and guidelines properly in effect for the December 6th vote, Tony Townsend's attempt to honor T. Roy Roberson was defeated by a five to four vote, after the flip-flopping of Donnie Peters and Paul Manson.

And that was a result of Larry Slagle making sure a vote was not taken in August, because Slagle objected to the process, and wanted procedures and guidelines.

It was the handiwork of Larry Slagle that killed Councilman Townsend's proposal. Slagle's vote was not relevant.

Had Slagle not decided to team up with the Mayor's Loyal Enforcer, Council President Glenn Gamber, to delay the vote back in August, it would have passed.

Slagle's push for policy and guidelines on what should have been a simple yes or no vote bought the mayor and his lackeys time to get their votes in line.

Slagle was either a part of this scheme, and was complicit, or he really believed he needed policy and guidelines, and was outmaneuvered politically by the mayor.

Either way, he was responsible for the failure of naming the park in honor of T. Roy Roberson, something Slagle claimed he wanted.

And he should not be applauded for his 'efforts.'