Last week, mayoral candidate Lee Brunckhart took the time to visit the various departments of Massillon City government so that he could "learn the ropes," and see how things work.
The Independent wrote a nice story about Lee's time spent visiting the various departments comprising our city government.
There was even a picture of Lee meeting with the police chief and taking notes.
No, Lee wasn't submitting his fantasy football line-up to Chief Rob Williams, the Commissioner of the CMFFL (City of Massillon Fantasy Football League).
At least we don't think so...
Lee literally got his hands dirty, as he hopped on a city garbage truck and helped pick up our trash.
A very admirable foray into the inner workings of our city.
And smart politically, as it generated a very favorable story in the local newspaper.
The Citizens for Cicchinelli Committee, AKA Safety-Service Director Mike Loudiana, stated that Brunckhart approached him about participating hands on in city government.
"It's open to any citizen, anyone who wants to go into our departments," he (Mike Loudiana) said. "They are more than welcome to visit any department and visit any employee. Lee decided to do that.We gave him clearance and he signed a release" (The Independent, September 15, 2011).
"It's open to any citizen, anyone who wants to go into our departments"
Well, almost any citizen.
There does appear to be one lone exception.
Kathy Catazaro-Perry.
According to a reliable Massillon Review source, Kathy Catazaro-Perry asked "The Committee," Mike Loudiana, if she could spend some quality time with the Fire Department earlier this year. Perhaps even take a ride on one of those shiny red fire trucks.
Mike Loudiana told her no.
What the heck, Catazaro-Perry is a registered nurse. Who better to have hanging out at the fire department in case of an emergency?
Lee Brunckhart spent a full week at city hall going from department to department.
He even got to help pick up the trash.
Probably got to do fun stuff like run the compactor, too.
Kathy Catazaro-Perry wasn't allowed to even spend one day with the fire department.
No fire truck ride for her.
Word on the street is that our Extraordinary Mayor for 99 days and his loyalists have taken Lee Brunckhart under their wing.
That Team Cicchinelli is advising Brunckhart.
That Lee Brunckhart is Team Cicchinelli's new BFF.
We certainly hope this is not the case.
And if this is the case, we hope Lee Brunckhart isn't listening.
As it is Team Cicchinelli who has brought our fair city to the brink.
Back to this "it's open to any citizen who wants to go into our departments" stuff.
The crack Massillon Review research team wants to spend a week with Parks Czar Kenn Kaminski.
We want to help him track down the park vandals responsible for all the neglect and decay in our parks.
And when we catch them.
And we will.
They got some serious 'splainin' to do.