It appears that Chief Williams was the Commissioner of his own fantasy football league.
On city time with city equipment.
Now we know why overtime is up, what with the fantasy draft and all.
We do, however, disagree with the Chief's discipline as it relates to the fantasy football league.
The City of Massillon Fantasy Football League, hereafter referred by its acronym, the CMFFL, seems like a fine use of our city resources.
Certainly less expensive than a city owned golf course, hotel, or senior housing complex.
As fantasy football is a recreational activity, perhaps it could be moved to the city Parks and Recreation Department, as a way to "streamline city government."
This could be the perfect vehicle for our Extraordinary Mayor for 110 days, King Francis the Unavailable, to settle his blood feud with Judge Eddie Elum once and for all.
On the gridiron.
Like men.
To battle for supremacy in the CMFFL.
Unfortunately, it looks like the league must begin the process of selecting a new commissioner.
School Board President Marshall Weinberg loves football. Maybe he could take over.