After last night's mayoral debate between Kathy Catazaro-Perry and Lee Brunckhart, people had to be wondering if Our Extraordinary Mayor for 58 Days' lips moved when Lee Brunckhart spoke.
After tearing into Catazaro-Perry when she tried to criticize the Legends of Massillon golf course, or the Hampton Inn (We HAVE to pay for it), Lee mentioned the fine, and inexpensive meal he had at Club Legends, the restaurant at the Golf Course. Worth every bit of the almost $200,000 tax dollars it cost the city to acquire.
He referred to Safety Service Director Mike "The Committee" Loudiana a number of times, as if they spent many hours together discussing city business.
He criticized the proposed performance audit of city government. Can't have those pesky auditors digging into how our city has been run.
And, according to Lee Brunckhart, the city is a "bare bones operation." with no room to cut expenses.
While he claims he doesn't want to raise taxes, he proposes "service levies" to fund particular departments.
Uh, Lee, a "levy" is a tax.
Perhaps someone should explain that to you.
It appeared as if Lee was channeling his inner Frank Cicchinelli.
It was almost as if Frank was there.
The language. The comments. Even the barbs.
He certainly has been practicing with someone.
It was an 'extraordinary' performance.
Please, don't take our word for it. Watch for yourself.
This Sunday night at 6PM on Massillon Cable Channel 22.
Decide for yourself if Lee is eerily patterning himself after someone else we know.
We believe it was apparent after last night that Lee Brunckhart is "all in" with Cicchinelli.
The Cicchinelli approach to city government has bankrupted our community.
Massillon can't afford Frank Cicchinelli, The Next Generation.