Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gas Bag

Our beloved city is broke. Left in the wake of the gross mismanagement and reckless spending of our once and future mayor, The Extraordinary One, King Francis the Temporarily displaced.

Yesterday, it was announced that 27 employees are being laid off.

The tragic result of years of fiscal malfeasance.

The chickens coming home to roost.

But the news isn't all bad.

As our faithful readers know, our elected officials get an annual, unvoted pay raise every year.

Seems hypocritical to lay people off, "taking food away from their children," while taking a pay raise for yourself.

But Massillon had a champion!

The Republican Leader of Massillon City Council, President Pro Tem, and Finance Committee Chairman, Donnie Peters was going to put a stop to this unsavory practice.

“I’m going to try to repeal it (the pay raise ordinance),” said Peters, the ranking Republican and Council president pro tem. “Everyone says it doesn’t make it (pay-raise issue) political. Well, make it political” (The Independent, January 27, 2012).

January 27th.

According to our crack Massillon Review research team, that was 95 DAYS AGO.

95 days ago.

And in that 95 days, the city's worker bees took pay freezes, benefit cuts, and 27 of them just lost their job.

But fear not, Massillon.

Donnie Peters is on the job.

And has done absolutely nothing to keep his promise.


Now, we understand the former Mayor's Loyal Enforcer won't permit him, but we don't see where he has even bothered to try.

An empty promise.

More hot air.

One more political gas bag.