Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fun with Numbers

Massillon's Mayor for Life and his faithful rubber stamps on City Council have authorized the following prudent expenditures necessary to maintain the most basic of city services just this year.

$211,000 for the mortgage of the Hampton Inn, a privately owned hotel.

$199,000 to purchase the restaurant at the golf course.

$527,885 for the annual debt payment on the golf course.

$937,885 Total

Heck, thats knockin' on a million dollars. No wonder we have to charge our kids and our soldiers to use our ball fields.

Good thing there is a local ordinance granting the Mayor and City Council annual, unvoted pay raises. They sure have earned their money this year.

We at the Massillon Review are confident the citizenry can only marvel at the fiscal responsibility being exercised on our behalf by our local leaders.