Monday, May 10, 2010

The Past is Prelude

Someone isn't telling the truth. Is it Parks Director Kenn Kaminski, or is it Parks Director Kenn Kaminski? The Massillon Review believes it is Parks Director Kenn Kaminski.

Kenn Kaminski stated to the Independent (Foul Ball? City's fee increases at ballfields a swing and a miss to some, April 10, 2010);

"the department (Parks) will use income tax revenue to pay $177,000 of course debt this year."

OK, $177,000 of parks tax money to subsidize debt payments at the golf course. Got it.

$199,000 of Parks income tax money was used to buy the concessions contract at the golf course as well (Massillon City Council Minutes, March 15, 2010). Add these two numbers up, and the total is $376,000 of parks income tax money used for golf course expenses in 2010 alone. Seems pretty straight forward, doesn't it?

Well, not according to Kenn Kaminski.

In Monday's Independent (City's parks director gives councilmen tour of Massillon Parks), Kenn Kaminski states the following in relation to the criticism that the golf course drains away money from the park system;

Kaminski said many critics point to the Legends of Massillon golf course as the root of the problems faced by his department. "That's not an accurate statement," he said. We didn't give any additional money to the golf course. Money from the golf course that is brought in is the only money spent on the golf course." Kaminski admitted in the past that wasn't the case.

We are really confused.

In March, the City spent $199,000 to buy the restaurant at the golf course with park tax money. In April, Kenn Kaminski stated the City was spending $177,000 of park tax money paying golf course debt. In May, the golf course was only spending revenue it generated through use, and "we didn't give any additional money to the golf course."

Who is telling the truth? April's Kenn Kaminski, or May's Kenn Kaminski?

The Massillon Review's crack investigative team has this all figured out. Using park tax money to subsidize the golf course only happened in the past.

"We didn't give any additional money to the golf course."
...Kaminski admitted in the past that wasn't the case

The past. A long, long, time ago when dinosaurs were roaming down Tremont. Way back when. March 15th, seven long weeks ago, when $199,000 of our park tax money was used to buy the restaurant at the Legends of Massillon Golf Course. Four long weeks ago, when Kaminski admitted the City was spending park tax money on golf course debt retirement. The distant past. Hopefully historians will be able to reconstruct this ancient time and explain how our .3% Park income tax was used to subsidize a golf course.