Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Still Believe in a Place Called Hope

The crack Massillon Review staff has been working feverishly all day to uncover why our Mayor for Life killed the visit by the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. While we realize that our mayor's super sized ego was part of the issue;

"Cicchinelli repeatedly said he was upset to learn about the event in his Sunday newspaper. He even suggested people in his own party intentionally left him out of the loop" (The Independent, October 26, 2010).

We thought there might be more to this than just Frank's usual paranoia and gigantic ego. Just as we were about to send our crack research team into the field, to the Clinton Presidential Library, to try and uncover what horrible thing Bill Clinton could have done to offend our leader, Massillon's Mayor for Life, we stumbled upon the awful truth. The Clinton Presidential Library is in Arkansas. Bill Clinton is from Arkansas. It was then that we finally put two and two together.

A Line in the Sand

At our Mayor for Life's press conference, back on July 30, when our Mayor for Life announced that he was running for another term as mayor for life, he drew a line in the sand.

Our glorious leader was adamant that "outsiders" not involve themselves in Massillon City politics;

"Cicchinelli also said outsiders should not dabble in city politics. He said he will call out such "carpetbaggers..." There's going to be a line drawn in the sand, he said" (The Independent, July 31, 2010).

Former President of the United States Bill Clinton is a carpetbagger. He's not even from Massillon. He's from Arkansas.

"They (the people of Massillon) shouldn't be influenced by anyone on the outside, any individual that doesn't live within the corporate limits of Massillon" (Mayor for Life Frank Cicchinelli, July 30 press conference).

Bill Clinton does not live within the "corporate limits of Massillon." He was born and raised in Arkansas, lived in Washington DC, and now resides in New York. He is a carpetbagger, and therefore is not welcome in Frank's city. Frank has drawn a line in the sand and apparently not even former President Clinton may cross it.