Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Great Debate Rages On

Massillon City Council spent most of Monday night fixated on the big issue that has dominated city government these past months.

Do we rename a park.

As a matter of fact, council held a hearing. Citizens testified for and against Ward 4 Councilman Tony Townsend's plan to rename Shriver Park in honor of deceased former council member T. Roy Roberson.

No, council didn't take a vote yet. A big issue like this shouldn't just be hurried through council after only a mere SEVEN MONTHS of discussion. (Townsend introduced his proposal in May).

Council will wait to take a vote until December. Our esteemed city council certainly has its priorities in order. December will make it EIGHT MONTHS of debate and discussion over a proposal to name a park. Job well done!

We would like to thank the mayor's loyal enforcer, Council President Glenn Gamber, and his trusty assistant, Councilman at Large Larry Slagle, for taking a simple issue and turning it into an eight month debacle. These fine public servants certainly go a long way in restoring the public's faith in their elected government.

City Council certainly has its priorities in order. Eight months debating the name of a park.

In other rubber stamp business, the Mayor for Life's budget was given its first reading before city council. We imagine the debate over the city's spending plan lasted well into the night as council members debated the shortfalls in police and fire salary, skyrocketing insurance costs, and Mayor Cicchinelli's request that council finds more revenue. They must have burned the midnight oil discussing city finances.

"Council gave first reading to the proposed budget for 2011, which calls for $16 million for the general fund and $37.4 million for all funds, but did not discuss it" (The Independent, November 16, 2010).

They "did not discuss it?"

Mayoral lap dog and faithful rubber stamp Paul Manson did not lead council through a vigorous discussion of city finances? We are truly shocked.