Monday, November 8, 2010

A Stand Up Guy

Before each regular season ending Massillon-McKinley game, the Rotary Club of the host team's city invites the visiting team's Rotary Club for a joint Rotary Club luncheon. This year, Massillon's Rotary hosted Canton's Rotary. Our Mayor for Life made some remarks. In commenting about how he vigorously opposed a visit to Massillon by former President Bill Clinton, Cicchinelli claimed he stood up to the politicians.

Cicchinelli opposed the presidential visit because his massive, room filling ego was bruised. Cicchinelli repeatedly made comment to being left out of the loop on the visit.

"Cicchinelli repeatedly said he was upset to learn about the event in his Sunday newspaper. He even suggested people in his own party intentionally left him out of the loop" (The Independent, October 26, 2010).

Cicchinelli stood up to the politicians? We find it laughable that Massillon's consummate, longest serving politician can claim to stand up to the politicians.

Frank Cicchinelli has run for political office in Massillon 13 times, seven times for city council, and six times for mayor. He is running for his 14th term in office next year. He ceased being a public servant a long, long time ago. He is a politician, one who has served continuously as America has been lead by eight different presidential administrations, from Nixon through Obama. It's time the citizens of Massillon, and perhaps even our city council, stood up to him.