Thursday, February 3, 2011

It Takes One to Know One

Upon hearing that 3rd Ward Councilwoman Kathy Catazaro-Perry filed petitions to run against our beloved Mayor for Life, Frank Cicchinelli claimed he was not surprised by Catazaro-Perry's filing. He did, however, feel she should have checked in with him first before she decided to run for mayor.

Catazaro-Perry filed her petitions without first making a public declaration.

Instead of going to the Board of Elections and taking out a petition, she apparently obtained blank petitions, filling them out herself, obtaining the necessary signatures, and then filing them at the deadline. No one could be certain she was running until she filed these petitions.

Frank Cicchinelli did not approve.

"I just hope the sneaky way she petitioned for mayor will not represent the way she will conduct her whole campaign" (Frank Cicchinelli, The Independent, February 3, 2011).


Because she didn't first check with the mayor for life and get his permission to run.


The Massillon Review Hypocrisy Early Warning System is now at a code red.

It's tough for Frank Cicchinelli to call this tactic "sneaky," when it is a tactic his own supporters employ.

The mayor's handpicked council candidate in Ward 3, Mary Pribich, wife of former mayoral Park Board appointee Ron Pribich, handled her petition for council the same way Catazaro-Perry handled her petition for mayor.

Mrs. Ron Pribich did not give advance notice to her opponents in the Third Ward, just as Kathy Catazaro-Perry did not give advance notice to the mayor.

Mrs. Ron Pribich did not go to the Board of Elections to take out a petition, and publicly declare she was running for council.

She obtained a blank petition, filled it our herself, obtained the necessary signatures, and filed them.

Exactly in the same manner as Kathy Catazaro-Perry did.

So, in accordance with Mayor Frank Cicchinelli's dictate;

"We just hope the sneaky way Mary Pribich petitioned for council will not represent the way she will conduct her whole campaign."

Or Frank Cicchinelli will not approve.

Rubber Stamp or not.