Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Solution in Search of a Problem

Massillon City Council was focused like a laser beam last night on the biggest problem vexing the City of Champions.

Were they discussing city finances and the fiscal emergency?


They have bigger concerns.

Like who appoints the Park Director.

Even though we have a Park Director.

Council passed the Honorable Councilman Larry Slagle's rubric for better parks management.

City Council is now clearly in charge of the parks, as they appoint the director.

As a result, we have several questions.

Is the new parks management plan in effect in Massillon, or just Brunswick?

Secondly, as this was clearly a solution in search of a problem, and with certain honorable council members fixated on the departure of former Parks Czar Kenn Kaminski, we have to wonder if last night's move was the first step in showing Park Director Doug Nist the door and returning Kenn Kaminski to his former position.

A move which, no doubt, would please the Once & Future Mayor for Life.