Wednesday, May 20, 2015

If It Walks Like a Duck

38 year Massillon Democratic elected official Frank Cicchinelli has had a political epiphany.

He is no longer bound by the chains of the Democratic party.

He has declared his political 'Independence.'

Now, of course, he didn't declare his 'Independence' merely because he wanted to run for mayor by skipping the Democratic primary, a primary he lost to the current mayor 4 years ago.

Oh no, we are confident he is a man of integrity, whose political philosophy has truly changed, and this 'Independence' was not a result of political expediency.

He is, of course, 'Independent' and therefore has nothing to do with his former party.

Because, if he was involved with his 'former' party, he wouldn't be 'Independent.'

And shouldn't be allowed to run for mayor.

On an unrelated note -

In order to run in the Democratic primary, a Democratic candidate must circulate a Declaration of Candidacy Party Primary Election 

Like Massillon Democratic candidate James D. "J. David" Ress circulated when he ran for mayor.

Which included the following language;



(This petition shall be circulated only by a member of the same political party as stated above by the candidate)

We, the undersigned qualified electors of the State of Ohio, whose voting residence is in the county, city, village, or township, set opposite our names, and members of the Democratic Party, hereby certify that James D. Ress, whose declaration of candidacy is filed herewith, is in our opinion, well qualified to perform the duties of the office or position to which the person desires to be elected.

Signatures on this petition should be from only one county and must be written in ink. Signatures on this petition shall be of persons who are of the same political party as stated above by the candidate.

And the very first signer on this particular petition?

Any guesses?

Give up?

Francis H. Cicchinelli, Jr. - January 21, 2015

So much for "and members of the Democratic Party"

So much for "Signatures on this petition shall be of persons who are of the same political party as stated above by the candidate."

So much for his Declaration of 'Independence'

But, of course, this must be a mistake. This must be the only Democratic Petition for Candidate he signed this year, right?
