Friday, February 11, 2011

No Strings Attached

The people who donate to our Mayor for Life's campaigns don't really want any thing in return. They just like the mayor.

"Despite his (Cichinelli's) dislike of any outsiders' involvement in city elections or city government, Cicchinelli said there is a "big difference" in accepting campaign donations from people who live outside of Massillon. "There's no strings attached to that..." (The Independent, February 8, 2011).

No strings attached.

They just like Frank.

Because he is just so likable.

Developers Roger Deville and Tim Putman of Canton, both of whom have profited on city projects didn't want anything. They just want to be Frank's friend.

Excavater Howard Wenger of Dalton contributes to our mayor because, we are sure, he just really like Frank. He probably has never done work on a city project.

And John Helline of North Lawrence. Helline. Helline. Isn't there a John Helline who is one of the investors in the Hampton Inn? The very same Hampton Inn that the taxpayers pay the mortgage for? Maybe Mr. Helline should take the money he donates to the mayor's campaign fund and use it to pay the mortgage.

So we don't have to.

But Helline is just a friend.

And the "Aqua America PAC." They are just friends, too.

They don't want anything from city government. They just want to make sure we have clean drinking water at a great price.

They just like Frank.

Because he is just so likable.

Closer to home we have contributor Ron Pribich. Ron Pribich and his associates sold Frank the land for the nine hole golf course expansion. Ron is just a really good friend. He never expected anything for his contributions.

Just friendship.

"No strings attached."