Monday, March 22, 2010

Game. Set. Match.

Stark County Judge John Haas ruled that the Legends of Massillon Golf Course can indeed be subsidized by the income tax money passed by the residents of Massillon specifically for parks and recreation.

The operation of the golf course can legally be placed under the jurisdiction of the "independent" parks and recreation board. Park levy funds can be used to pay the golf course's substantial debt.

Furthermore, the City Council and Mayor may sell property that belongs to the "independent" parks and recreation board, without competitive bidding, and may put the proceeds of the sale into the City's general fund, not back into the parks and recreation department fund.

Basically, if the parks board buys land with with parks and recreation board tax dollars, the city can sell the property, without the approval of the parks and recreation board, and keep the proceeds.

Game. Set. Match.