Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Can We Do?

The Massillon Review has received several emails from readers asking, "What can we do?" about fixing the parks mess.

Go to a City Council Meeting
Massillon City Council meets on the First and Third Monday of each month. If that Monday is a holiday, Council will meet on Tuesday night. Let them know how you feel. There is a public speaks portion of the meeting. Use it. Tell them what you think. Its your government. If you think spending our parks money on buying a restaurant at the golf course was a good idea, you may wish to personally thank Glenn Gamber, Ron Mang, David McCune, David Hersher, and Larry Slagle. Tell them our parks are a mess. Tell them what needs fixed. If nobody goes to the meetings, and all they hear is the Mayor's perspective, they feel safe in doing whatever the Mayor wants them to.

Go to the meeting after the meeting
A number of our council members like to drop in to the West End Tavern after the meeting to discuss whatever it is they discuss. Drop by and say Hi. My guess is, that after this post, they may be moving to a new location.

Drop them a line
Email them with your thoughts. They represent you.

Glenn Gamber
Ron Mang
Gary Anderson
Kathy Catazaro-Perry
Tony Townsend
Donnie Peters
David McCune
Paul Manson
Larry Slagle
David Hersher

Support candidates who think for themselves
Don't let them run unopposed. Support candidates who think for themselves and won't be another rubber stamp. We have too many of those now.

Judge Haas ruled that the politicians of Massillon can do whatever they want with our parks. The people need to start holding them accountable.