Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Mayor Giveth and the Mayor Taketh Away

There was an interesting article in The Independent last Thursday about whether or not Massillon's Mayor for life could demand that $565,000 that the City transferred to the Parks and Rec Department could be taken back. According to the Ohio State Auditor's office, the answer is no. A transfer is a permanent action.

Where does this $565,000 come from? Several Massillon Review readers claim that $365,000 is actual Parks money that came from the old park department, which became the new Parks and Recreation Board when it was created in 1995. So, according to these readers, it was parks money that went to the parks. How can the Mayor claim this money doesn't belong to the Parks?

These readers also believe that the other $200,000 is money the City owed the Parks Board when the Agathon was sold. It was owned by the Parks Board. It was sold. The Parks were supposed to get $1,000,000 over 10 years. $100,000 per year. They allegedly got two payments (200,000) and the City kept the rest. The Mayor allegedly then wanted this money back as well. Regardless of the reasons for the transfers, they were transfers, according to the State Auditor, permanent movements of money.

All of a sudden our Mayor wanted to "forgive" this debt that was owed the City. How generous. Just pay for the Restaurant buyout with our Park funds and our Mayor for Life will forgive this $565,000 debt. What a deal! Except that he could never collect it anyway.

The State Auditor said the transfer was permanent. The Mayor for Life is not entitled to this money. Of course our Mayor claims ignorance. It's just "Auditor Jargon," and "Technically, legally" he doesn't know.

Don't you believe it. 23 years as Mayor. 12 more as councilman. You don't get to be Mayor for Life by being stupid. He knows he can't squeeze that money out of the Park Board legally. He wants to spin it in his favor politically through his magnanimous gesture of generosity.

He will introduce an ordinance forgiving this park debt. The rubber stamps will gleefully pass it. He will climb to the mountain top and tell the people of Massillon how much he has helped our parks system. He "gave" them $565,000, he's doing all he can.

He can't legally get the money back. It's just a political stunt and the Mayor knows it.