Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Your Puppet

Massillon City Council met last night in attempt to start fixing our Extraordinary Mayor for Life, King Francis the Eternal, Lord Sovereign of the City's train wreck masquerading as a budget.

Councilman Larry Slagle wanted to propose a number of spending cuts. It looked like he had the support of Kathy Catazaro-Perry, Gary Anderson, Donnie Peters, Tony Townsend, and even Taxman Hersher.

The problem was the meeting only had seven members of council in attendance.

Lap Dog of the Treasury, Council Finance Chair Paul Manson was on vacation.

So Manson brought as much to the discussion as he always does.

David 'I am above the law' McCune was also absent.


As a result, council needed all seven members to vote to go forward so that they might discuss Slagle's proposed cuts.

"Although it needs a simple majority to pass the budget, seven votes are required to suspend rules. Councilman Ron Mang voted 'no,' setting up another possible vote at 5:45 Wednesday. Another meeting could be called for Thursday just in case" (The Independent, March 30, 2011).

Mang's vote was needed to just to discuss the budget.

His "yes" vote would have allowed council the ability just to talk about Slagle's plan.

Mang could have still voted "no" against Slagle's budget changes.

Mang wouldn't vote to allow them to even discuss it.

Ron Mang, who voted for the mayor's unbalanced budget twice in three months.

and voted for the unbalanced budget last year

and votes to pay the mortgage of the Hampton Inn

and votes to raise our sewer rates, license plate fees, and voted to create a "storm water utility fee."

and voted to buy the restaurant at the golf course, without a business plan

and voted to merge the golf course with the Parks and Recreation Department, so our Extraordinary Mayor for Life could hijack park money to keep his failing golf course afloat.

But Ron Mang would not provide a vote to allow the members of council to even have a discussion about making changes to the budget.

Perhaps if David McCune bothered to attend, he could have been the seventh vote to allow council to at least discuss changes in the budget.

Or not.

Of course, we are supremely confident that Ron Mang's "No" vote was entirely his own idea, and that he couldn't have possibly been 'extraordinarily' influenced.