Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend at Frank's

Anyone with an IQ higher than a turnip knew that the special marathon council session that our Extraordinary Mayor for Life, King Francis the Eternal, Lord Sovereign of the City called for 7:00AM yesterday was nothing more than a publicity stunt.

In the notice for the special meeting, which we imagine the newspaper got before most members of council did, Cicchinelli told them to bring their toothbrushes, overnight bags, and food, because they were staying all weekend long to work on the budget.

The special meeting notice was nothing more than an attempt to blame the five members of council, who voted "no" on the same budget they voted "no" on three months ago. The budget is an unbalanced mess, and these five members of council did not wish to support the fiscal chaos our Dear Leader has created.

Cicchinelli basically implied that council members Catazaro-Perry, Peters, Slagle, Townsend and Anderson were responsible for the imminent collapse of civilization because they did vote as their Mayor for Life demanded.

However, Ward 5 Councilman Donnie Peters had the last laugh. Peters realized that this was a childish stunt by our temperamental mayor. Donnie Peters showed up to the meeting in camping gear, and brought his toothbrush and sleeping bag.

The weekend long meeting lasted a mere two hours.

"When council adjourned shortly before 9 a.m., Peters joked "you mean we are not staying here all night?" (The Independent, March 26, 2010).


It was a stunt.

And Donnie Peters called him on it.

What it was not was a serious discussion of city finances.