Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hail to the Chief

Tonight, the Massillon City Board of Education will be holding its reorganizational meeting. Among a number of items on the agenda, the school board will be choosing a new board president to lead our school system in 2011.

According to board member Marshall Weinberg, the choice to the school board should be clear.

"Weinberg, when asked if he'd considered serving as board president, said he had. In fact, he had hoped to be president this year (2010), being the only veteran board member who hadn't yet held the title. The board opted instead to appoint Seesan" (The Independent, August 12, 2010).

"It is one of the issues that is tearing at the board," Weinberg said. "Unfortunately, because of the issues of legality, I can't discuss it in specifics, but it was not a decision made out of strength. Now, we are all seeing the ramifications" (The Independent, August 12, 2010).

The Massillon Review is urging the school board to correct this gross miscarriage of justice, and to make a decision "out of strength." Let's put an end to "one of the issues that is tearing at the board." Let's vote Marhsall Weinberg President.

Marshall Weinberg. Humility. Common Sense. And in the immortal words of President Barack Obama, change we can believe in.

Three cheers for President Marshall Weinberg