Monday, January 10, 2011

Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey

In 2007, David 'The Taxman' Hersher was elected as a member of Massillon City Council. The voters of Massillon get to elect three at large (citywide) members of council. The top three vote getters win a seat on city council.

In 2007, the voters chose;

Paul Manson with 3,963 votes
Larry Slagle with 3,953 votes
and David Hersher, with 2,965 votes

David 'The Taxman' Hersher was about 1,000 votes behind Manson and Slagle, meaning he was the politically weakest of the three councilmen elected.

In 2009, there were only 3 candidates for Massillon Council at Large.

Three candidates. Three slots. The voters get to vote for three people.

In theory, the three candidates should have received about the same vote totals.

In theory, but not in practice.

The unopposed Paul Manson received 4,088 votes.
The unopposed Larry Slagle received 4,075 votes.
The unopposed David Hersher received only 3,293 votes.

Knowing that he lacked the popularity of his council colleagues, how did David Hersher ingratiate himself to his new constituents?

He proposed tax increases and faithfully rubber stamped for Massillon's Mayor for Life, Frank Cicchinelli.

Hersher's first legislative initiative as a new member of council was to raise our sewer rates. He then proposed the "Storm Water Utility Fee" which is on our most recent sewer bill. Hersher voted to spend almost $200,000 dollars of our parks tax money to buy the restaurant at the golf course. He votes to send our tax dollars to pay the mortgage for a private hotel, and he votes to approve the mayor's unbalanced budgets.

David Hersher puts the tax into Taxman, and the rubber into rubber stamp.

Unfortunately for Taxman Hersher, his time as a member of council is coming to an end.

He wasn't real popular when he started, and he is less popular now.

Since Kathy Catazaro-Perry is apparently running for Council at Large, it is clear to everyone that it is Taxman David Hersher who will be without a council seat when the music stops.

Cue the Taxman's theme music -

Goodbye Taxman Hersher. Our wallets have been lightened for the experience.