Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Old Grey Mare

It looks like a faithful Massillon Review reader, or two, found their way to Friday's 'State of the City' address and question and answer session with Massillon's Mayor for Life, Frank Cicchinelli.

We were surprised when the moderator allowed a question about "hijacking" parks and recreation fund money to pay the debt at the golf course.

Our mayor's response was that this issue is a "dead horse."

"The Legends was a project that everyone in government felt was a good project," he said. "We still believe it was a good project We have stated this consistently that the mistake was to build the third nine (holes). We can continue to beat that dead horse that it was wrong to do. That's a fact. But... the debt is still there to be paid" (The Independent, January 29, 2011).

Our Bad

We shouldn't still be discussing this. It's like beating a dead horse.

It is, however, an expensive dead horse.

We the taxpayers still owe $9,788,907.50 in interest and principal payments on the golf course.

The course, on a good day, is probably only worth about $2.5 million dollars.

The Golf Course will not be paid off until 2032.

21 more years of payments.

This year's payment alone is over $524,000 dollars.

It should be paid off about mid way through our mayor for life's 12th term in office.

But no, don't discuss it. It's like beating a dead horse.

If you would like to watch the 'State of the City' address, tune in tonight, at 7PM. It will be shown on Massillon Cable channel 22.