Monday, January 24, 2011

Stop the Insanity

While the City of Massillon is going broke, and while the salaries of the mayor for life, city council, the president of council, the auditor, the law director, and the treasurer continue to rise, without a vote, did not one of these office holders think this was a problem?

Did not one person think it was the height of hypocrisy for these elected official to take raises in 2009, when other city employees were taking layoffs and furloughs?

Did not one person say, "Hey, the city's broke and the economy is struggling, and just maybe, the mayor's salary shouldn't go up 74% in 15 years, and maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't get unvoted pay raises for life."

Did not one person try and stop the insanity?

Yes. One person. One woman tried to stop the madness.

In 2009, Councilwoman Kathy Catazaro-Perry introduced legislation to repeal Ordinance No. 251-1995, and end the annual unvoted pay raise for life scheme.

Her efforts, of course, went no where.

The Mayor's Loyal Enforcer, Council President Glenn Gamber, vigorously worked to prevent a vote on Catazaro-Perry's resolution.

The mayor didn't want his pay raises ended, and the rubber stamps didn't want to be on record opposing the repeal.

Gamber didn't allow a council vote. He instead asked for an informal, off the record, show of hands.

No official on the record vote was ever taken.

Kathy Catazaro-Perry's plan to end the pay raise for life scheme died for a lack of support.

And the annual, unvoted pay raises continue for another year.