Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Big Day for the Mayor for Life

This morning, Massillon's Extraordinary Mayor for Life will be in Columbus attending a session of the Ohio Elections Commission.

Charges were filed against him by Republican mayoral challenger Andrew Oser;

"The complaint, filed with the Ohio Elections Commission on Tuesday, contends that the letter makes a false statement - that voters may temporarily change their voting party affiliation - and therefore violates election law." (The Independent, April 6, 2011).

If the Ohio Elections Commission rules against Frank Cicchinelli, we will quickly know what the problem was.

The Ohio Elections Commission is anti-Massillon.

Our crack Massillon Review research team has been studying the Ohio Elections Commission all night, and they have discovered the ugly truth about the Ohio Elections Commission.

They are in Columbus.

And Columbus is outside the corporate limits of the City of Massillon.

Which of course makes the Elections Commission carpetbaggers.

And anti-Cicchinelli.

They may not fully understand, according to Safety-Service Director Mike Loudiana, what an extraordinary mayor we have.

We actually expect Frank Cicchinelli to beat the rap.

He has spent a career avoiding responsibility.

The buck NEVER stops at his desk.

Why should anyone think it will be different today?