Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Fox in the Hen House

The Citizens for Cicchinelli Committee, aka Safety-Service Director Mike Loudiana, had disciplined a police officer for Drunken Driving. Three weeks without pay.

Perhaps Mike Loudiana needs to consider disciplining himself.

It was Mike Loudiana who penned the following to Massillon Republicans;

"I am writing to ask you to consider temporarily registering as a Democrat for the May primary election, which will be held on May 3, 2011... I know this is an extraordinary request, but he (Frank Cicchinelli), is an extraordinary mayor."

Ah yes, extraordinary.

Hence his moniker, Massillon's Extraordinary Mayor for Life, King Francis the Eternal, Lord Sovereign of the City.

"The state's book of laws says that if you falsely claim to be a member of a political party just to vote in that party's primary, you have committed a fifth-degree felony. In other words, you are allowed to switch parties, but only if you are buying into the other party's overall game plan" (Bob Dyer, The Beacon Journal, March 24, 2011)

"To be able to cast a ballot for Frank, you will need to request a Democratic ballot. In the next primary election you can switch back to whatever party you choose" (Mike Loudiana, Citizens for Cicchinelli Committee letter).

"An extraordinary request, indeed, seeing how it appears to be urging voters to potentially break a law" (Bob Dyer, The Beacon Journal, March 24, 2011).

Our Safety-Service Director should know better than to encourage the good citizens of our community to break the law.

Regardless of how extraordinary he believes our mayor to be.

Perhaps we can have Fire Chief Burgasser call out the National Guard to protect us from those who encourage our voters to commit a felony.