Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spontaneous Unsolicited Support

There was a lovely letter to the editor in Monday's edition of the Independent newspaper. We urge you to read it, as it sounds eerily like the other lovely letters to the editor trumpeting their support for our beloved, yet Extraordinary Mayor for Life, King Francis the Eternal, Lord Sovereign of the City.

Same refrain about the lucky citizens of Massillon being led through the wilderness by an extraordinary leader;


It ends with...

"It's a funny thing, how most of us are quick to attack the negatives and yet not give credit for all the positives. Frank wants one more term to serve as mayor. Citizens of Massillon need to ask themselves this question: are you really willing to risk the seasoned leadership now in place under Mayor Cicchinelli which has been bringing about positive change for the past 38 years, allowing your city to grow and yet retain the feeling of  "small-town America," just for the sake of change?"

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!


This letter was submitted by Phil and Patti Bucci.

One would assume they were loyal residents of our town.

One would be wrong.

This morning, the Massillon Review was informed by one of our faithful readers that carpetbaggers were in our midst.

Phil and Patti Bucci live in...


Perry Township. The Godless wasteland where Kathy Catazaro-Perry attends church.

Don't they realize our Extraordinary Mayor for Life has drawn a line in the sand?

"Cicchinelli also said outsiders should not dabble in city politics. He said he will call out such "carpetbaggers" for involving themselves in the mayor's race or other citywide races. There's going to be a line drawn in the sand, he said..." (The Independent, July 31, 2010).

Mayor Frank Cicchinelli has but one choice.

To denounce the support of these carpetbagging outsiders, and to denounce their letter of support.

"People in Massillon should decide. People that live in Massillon should decide who their mayor should be, who their council member should be. They shouldn't be influenced by anyone on the outside, any individual that doesn't live within the corporate limits of Massillon should not be concerned with who the mayor is..." (Mayor for Life Frank Cicchinelli, at his own press conference, when announcing for his 7th term as mayor).

Even if the letter rings 'joyously' familiar to the other letters of support previously submitted.

A line in the sand is a line in the sand.

Regardless of how 'spontaneous' and 'unsolicited' the support may be.