Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Choice in Ward 3

Democrats in Massillon's Ward 3 will select among three candidates to replace Kathy Catazaro-Perry, who gave up her council seat to challenge Massillon's Extraordinary Mayor for Life for leadership of the city.

Lynda Blankenship, Mary Pribich, and Andrea Scassa are competing for the opportunity to represent Massillon's Ward 3 citizens.

Lynda Blankenship is involved in the Lions Lincoln Theatre. She is active in the community, but she is a graduate of Jackson High School. This, unfortunately, makes her a carpetbagger.

Mary Pribich, better known as Mrs. Ron Pribich, is the Director for food and nutrition at Affinity Medical Center. Her famous, or is that infamous, husband Ron is one of the mayor's most faithful sidekicks. Ron Pribich sold the city the land to build the ill-fated nine hole expansion of the Legends of Massillon Golf Course. Our Mayor for Life appointed Ron Pribich to the park board despite council voting his appointment down. Pribich then recently resigned his post. Why did he quit?

Mary Pribich is also a carpetbagger. She went to Canton Central Catholic High School. She can not possibly understand the "Massillon Experience" as only those of us who personally attended Washington High School can.

Only Andrea Scassa is not a carpetbagger. Andrea is a graduate of our beloved Washington High School. She is an attorney and a magistrate. She is capable, independent, and will think for herself. Most importantly, only Andrea Scassa is a real Massillon Tiger. She understands the "Massillon Experience."

The Massillon Review proudly endorses Andrea Scassa for Ward 3 council in the Democratic primary.