Massillon is on the hook for the mortgage at the Hampton Inn. We the taxpayers pay the loan with our Community Development Block Grant dollars when the owners can't, which is pretty much every year.
But it isn't their fault.
Massillon has been the victim of the most nefarious carpetbagger of all.
Osama bin Laden.
Hampton Inn investor and loyal Cicchinelli campaign contributor John Helline explained the link between Al-Qaeda and his inability to pay his own mortgage.
"Helline said the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the economic downturn that followed have harmed the travel industry" (The Independent, April 20, 2011).
America's finest have brought justice to Osama bin Laden.
Our question for John Helline is simple.
Now that bin Laden is dead, will you pay your own mortgage so we don't have to?