Adjective: Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others: "a secret plan."
Noun: Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
Massillon School Board President Forrest Weinberg didn't think he was having a secret meeting.
"The discussion with potential superintendent candidates was canceled, Weinberg said, because it was misrepresented as "secretive," and that caused the two potential candidates to back out" (The Independent, May 19, 2011).
Misrepresented as "secretive."
"Weinberg admits the meeting was supposed to be a private conversation... The community and the media were not supposed to be made aware of the meeting and Weinberg said he did not directly contact all board members to inform them" (The Independent, May 19, 2011).
"Only two board members - Weinberg and Elum - were to attend because if more than two members attended, they would be required by law to post a public meeting notice" (The Independent, May 19, 2011).
"The meeting could not be made public, Weinberg insists, because the identities of the potential candidates needed to be protected since they are both currently employed in successful school districts" (The Independent, May 19, 2011).
Doesn't sound secretive to us.
We were mistaken.
"For some reason, everything we do ends up being amazingly controversial," Weinberg said (The Independent, May 19, 2011).
Hello. My name's Forrest. Forrest Gump. You want a chocolate?