At the final fundraiser our Extraordinary Mayor for 25 Days had before his Democratic Primary defeat to Kathy Catazaro-Perry, the First Lady of Massillon, Joy Cicchinelli, decided it would be a good idea for her to address the audience. In a sane, reasonable, and controlled fashion, she explained to the assembled faithful how the Independent newspaper was out to get her husband, our mayor (By the way, The Independent endorsed Cicchinelli for a 7th four year term). Joy then encouraged the faithful to write letters of support for our Extraordinary mayor to the local paper.
And the faithful submitted these letters to our local newspaper.
Signed and submitted them.
Whether or not they were responsible for the actual thoughts on paper is an entirely different matter.
These letters had a similar theme. To paraphrase;
"I look around our beloved city and see restaurants, theaters, and businesses, and I realize who is responsible for our city's glory. I fall to my knees and humbly thank our extraordinary mayor, and demand you give him four more years."
Now, in 25 days, we will have a new mayor.
And our new mayor believes the city's finances are not up to snuff.
And our new mayor would like to hire a finance director to help her disarm the fiscal landmines that have been left for her by her extraordinary predecessor.
And the criticism started.
And the writing style and language rang eerily, extraordinarily familiar, as the missives were joyfully launched at the new administration.
Before she has even taken the oath of office.
Because it isn't that Mayor Elect Catazaro-Perry wants a Finance Director.
It's that Mayor Elect Catazaro-Perry wants to do anything at all.
If Kathy Catazaro-Perry proposed to city council an ordinance making December 6th Paul Brown Appreciation Day, the Cicchinelli minions would;
A. Oppose it
B. Criticize it
They want Catazaro-Perry to fail, and word on the street is that they are working tirelessly behind the scenes to make it so.
What they fail to remember is that;
A. Catazaro-Perry defeated the sitting mayor
B. She crushed his Republican surrogate
C. In 25 days, she will run the show.
Our advice for Team Cicchinelli is simple.
If you care about the city at all, you will want the new mayor to succeed.
Because if the mayor succeeds, the city will succeed.
And you would give her a chance.
Whether you personally like her, or not.
We realize this advice will fall on deaf ears.
Being mayor defined Frank Cicchinelli.
And he will work tirelessly to damage the person who took his identity from him.
And he will continue to do what most expect him to do.
Make life as miserable as possible for his successor.